I’ve always wondered if plants grow differently when given different substances in place of water. In this experiment I tested my Hypothesis; “ If water is replaced with another liquid then it will affect the growth of a pumpkin plant”.
First I gathered all the materials I would need in order to do this experiment, this includes potting soil, seeds, pots, and the 4 liquids I would be watering the pumpkins with. These liquids include coffee, milk, green tea, and of course my control which is water.
In each pot, I put 1 ⅓ cup of soil (specifically Miracle Grow Potting-Mix) in each pot. Then I pushed and covered the seed in the soil about an inch deep. I labeled and watered each plant with a tablespoon of each liquid, in the designated pot. I watered the plant every day. I recorded the results for 33 days
Start Date / Date seeds were planted:
June 2, 2022
(Each pumpkin seed was planted and given 1 tablespoon of their designated substance. Substances include: water, milk, coffee, and green tea.)

Date: June 8, 2022
(Pumpkin plant given green tea sprouted within the first week, on day 6. Three days later the pumpkin that was given water sprouted)
DAY 14
Date: June 16, 2022
(Both pumpkins are growing. Green tea is growing bigger and healthier than the pumpkin given water. The pumpkins given milk and coffee have not sprouted.)
DAY 23
Date: June 25, 2022
(Pumpkin plants that were given water and tea are growing well. Green tea is growing healthier and greener than the pumpkin given water. Pumpkins given milk and coffee have shown no signs of life.)
DAY 33
Date: July 6, 2022
(Overall the pumpkin plant given green tea has done the best. The pumpkin plant given water has also grown. The pumpkins given coffee and milk have not shown any growth.)
The Results:
Overall the pumpkin plant that was fed with green tea was the strongest plant and grew much bigger and healthier than any of the other pumpkin plants. The 2nd strongest pumpkin plant was the pumpkin plant that was given water. The pumpkin plants that were given coffee and milk showed no growth.
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